by Yosemite Bear Team | Jul 5, 2018 | Keep Bears Wild, Yosemite National Park
Summer is upon us! The days are longer, the weather is warmer, and the kids are finally out of school and ready to explore their new-found freedom; and in a similar capacity, so are the young black bears of Yosemite. The transition from spring to summer is a...
by Yosemite Bear Team | Jun 1, 2018 | Keep Bears Wild, Yosemite National Park
Spring is transitioning into summer and mating season in Yosemite has begun! Bears are solitary creatures and aren’t often seen in pairs or sloths (a group of bears is called a sloth). However, there are a few common exceptions: when food is overly abundant in one...
by Yosemite Bear Team | May 3, 2018 | Keep Bears Wild, Yosemite National Park
Trails make getting through the rugged Yosemite wilderness easier for bears and humans alike. This GPS track shows an adult male bear that decided to follow a few of the scenic trails leading out of Yosemite Valley one day in the summer of 2014. Yosemite’s trails...
by Yosemite Bear Team | Mar 30, 2018 | Keep Bears Wild, Yosemite National Park
[Read parts one and two of this story.] Leaving the yearlings at the den site was hard; after all the effort everyone had put in to get them to that point. Biologists watched their GPS data closely, and after about a month of hibernation in their human-made den, the...
by Yosemite Bear Team | Mar 6, 2018 | Keep Bears Wild, Yosemite National Park
In January 2017, the sibling yearlings—orphaned after their mother was hit and killed by a car on Independence Day, 2016—had been in hibernation for more than a month already. The cubs, once weighing eight pounds each, now weighed between 63 and 95 pounds, after being...