2025 Total Bear Incidents: 6
2025 Total Property Damage: $394
Bear Incident Comparisons (year to date—previous years compared to 2025):
Last year (2024) up by six incidents—there were no incidents at this time last year.
Most Incidents (1998) – up by six incidents—there were no incidents at this time in 1998
Fewest Incidents (2019) – up by five incidents.
Bear Activity Summary: Bears have become very active this week in Yosemite Valley, causing four new bear incidents in the Curry Village area. Bears have been active all winter with sightings at least weekly. Beginning on February 19th, a sow and yearling were repeatedly seen near the Upper Yosemite Falls trailhead, behind Camp 4. Another smaller bear obtained garbage at the Yosemite Lodge in front of Basecamp. In Curry Village, a bear obtained food trash at the Pizza Deck, as well as obtained food from two unlatched bear lockers in Boystown. A bear has been spotted on multiple occasions in Huff housing, investigating bear lockers and has gotten food on two occasions. A yellow-tagged bear was also spotted behind the Ahwahnee wedding lawn. Whether living in or visiting Yosemite please remember the importance of keeping your food properly stored all year round to help keep both wildlife and people safe.
Red Bear, Dead Bear: Please help protect wildlife by obeying speed limits and being prepared to stop for animals in roadways. Twenty-one bears were hit by vehicles in 2024 with three confirmed dead.
Fascinating Bear Facts: “Research shows that with every 1°C (1.8°F) increase in regional winter temperatures, (black bears) stay awake an additional six days on average”.—Johnson, Heather; Lewis, David. Human Development and Climate Affect Hibernation in a Large Carnivore with Implications for Human-Carnivore Conflicts. Warming temperatures in the Spring trigger bears to emerge from hibernation and start seeking food again.
Other Wildlife: There has been an uptick in coyote observations in and around roads and development in recent weeks. Roadside coyotes on Big Oak Flat road have been seen and hazed by Law Enforcement staff on multiple occasions. Valley coyotes are also roaming roadways for handouts.
Please report bear incidents and sightings: Call the Save-A-Bear Hotline at 209-372-0322 or e-mail [email protected].